Air Tracker

Sistema tracciamento oggetti volanti israeliano - Codice sorgente in c++

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  1. TeoriadelCaos

    User deleted

    Intelligent Systems Lab project on Israel Research

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    Source Code of Air Tracking System fix in C++


    In the future, automated aircrafts will be able to navigate autonomously in their environment. However, to accomplish such an ambitious goal, one needs to solve some basic problems such as stabilization, pose (position and orientation) estimation and obstacle free trajectory planning.

    In our project, we have decided to face the initial problem of pose estimation, and trajectory planning by keeping an “eye contact” with a planar target. The aircraft we used was an airship, also known as Blimp, or Lost. The target was chosen to be a small robot.

    In order to simplify this complicated task, we have decided to divide it into two parts: tracking the planar robot in the image and controlling the blimp.
0 replies since 8/4/2011, 08:30   28 views